This year's Christmas Festival will be November 20, 2021
Check back again for more details.
Nancy Rinehard
PW moderator
315-368-7939 or nrinehard@gmail.com

Who Are the Presbyterian Women? YOU are!
We are a group of women who through the years have responded to God's love by offering love back to the world in tangible ways. By the use of our gifts and talents and a sincere desire to help others, we are able in a variety of ways to reach out to touch the hearts of others in need. We intend to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for Justice and Peace and to build an inclusive and caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's Kingdom.
Our Presbyterian Women meet the third Tuesday of each month, except during the summer, at 9:30am in the Snow Goose Room. All women in the church and friends of the church, as well, are welcome. Come join us and bring any new ideas for mission with you. We are a very energetic and relaxed group and are always ready to make new friends.

The Amazing Heritage of Presbyterian Women
In 1640 the first Presbyterian Congregation was established in Southampton, Long Island. In 1803 the first Presbyterian church of Newark, NJ formed a “female Society for the relief of the poor and distressed in Newark”.
1805 - The first American Presbyterian woman was able to participate in the Foreign Mission movement, going to India with her husband and in 1816 established a school for girls. 1824 - In Utica, NY the Female Missionary Society had a countrywide crusade and women were allowed to pray in public and encouraged to join missionary societies, often against their husbands’ wishes. In 1832 the General Assembly voted 126-122 to send a pastoral letter disapproving of women speaking in public. In 1844 the Newbern Presbyterian Church was organized, 2 women served on the Board of Elders, contrary to Presbyterian rules of Order … More on our history next month! ….
The Presbyterian women invite ALL women to attend our meetings every month, on the 3rd Tuesday at 9:30. We have a lot left to do and we have fun working together for our Lord. Any questions please call Co-Moderators Barb Arnold 363-6875 and Nancy Rinehard 368-7939.
All women of the church & friends are invited
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